Constitution Rules (Mount Forest Minor Ball)

PrintConstitution Rules

Mount Forest Mavericks Minor Ball (MFMB)

Bylaws – Original 2010
Revised – October 2013
Revised- December 2018
Revised- February 2020 Revised - September 2024


  • ●  The name of the association shall be Mount Forest Minor Ball (MFMB).

  • ●  Association also known as the Mount Forest Mavericks (New 2018)


    The objectives of MFMB shall be:

    • ●  To foster and improve amateur baseball/softball in Mount Forest and

      surrounding area

    • ●  To protect and promote leadership, sportsmanship, good conduct and the

      mutual interest of others

    • ●  Providing safe venues and equipment


    1. a)  The executive officers shall be the President, Vice President (or 2 co-chairs), Secretary, Treasurer/Registrar and at least one contact for (WOAA, ISA and WOBA). Executive members: Sub-committee heads may or may not include – Diamond Scheduler, Head Umpire, Coach Chair, Merchandise and Apparel, Equipment Manager, Tournament Chair. Sub-committees may be formed at any time (as needed).

    2. b)  Theexecutiveofficersshallhavevotingrightsatallmeetingsofthe association.

    3. c)  New members will be voted in at the first meeting of the new season. When a majority vote agrees to the acceptance of a new member, that new member will have voting rights at the next meeting.

    4. d)  TermsforPresidentandVicePresidentaretwoyears.Whenpossible,these positions are to be filled by a member who has at least one previous year served on the executive.

    5. e)  The terms of office and or appointment shall be from the date of election/appointment until the first meeting of the Executives following the next Annual General Meeting. The Executive reserves the right to terminate these positions (by majority vote of members) when it determines that such action is in the best interests of baseball for the association.

    6. f)  Terms for P and VP are two years. All other positions are a 1 year term.



PRESIDENT: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and Executive with the usual privilege of office. The President may delegate such duties and obligations to members of the Executive from time to time as become necessary for the proper functioning of the Association.

VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall perform all the duties of the President in the event the President is absent or unable to act.

PAST PRESIDENT: The immediate Past President shall be the President of the Association from the previous year. Where the President is re-elected in consecutive years, the Immediate Past President shall remain the same.

TREASURER: The Treasurer shall collect and receipt all monies due and maintain proper accounts and records thereof. The Treasurer shall issue and sign (with proper counter signature of member (s) so designated by the Executive) all cheques. The Treasurer shall present a financial report to each Executive and General meeting. If so requested by the Executive, the Treasurer will present an audited financial report to the Annual Meeting.

REGISTRAR: The Registrar shall receive and file all player registration and will ensure that each Convenor receives a full and complete listing of registered players.

SECRETARY: The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the Association and the Executive and a complete record of all names, addresses and emails of the members. The Secretary shall receive all communication and conduct all correspondence at the direction of the President. The Secretary shall circulate any minutes or other such information to the Executive no later than 14 days before the next meeting.

ISA CONTACT(S): The ISA contact(s) will represent and report to all meetings held by the ISA and will have voting rights on behalf of Mount Forest Minor Ball (Mavericks). They will also act as a liaison between the two organizations.

WOBA CONTACT(S): The WOBA contact(s) will represent and report to all meetings held by the WOBA and will have voting rights on behalf of Mount Forest Minor Ball (Mavericks). They will also act as a liaison between the two organizations.

EQUIPMENT MANAGER: The equipment manager shall maintain all equipment. The Equipment Manager will assign all equipment and keep an accurate list of such equipment. The Equipment Manager shall purchase adequate supplies as approved by the Executive. The Equipment Manager is responsible for ordering uniforms as directed by the Executive.

WEB SITE: The Web Site coordinator will manage the communication aspects of the organization.

HEAD UMPIRE: The Head Umpire will act as a support, mentor and resource liaison for all umpires and members under MFMB (Mavericks).

DIAMOND SCHEDULER: The Diamond Scheduler will receive all schedules from head coaches and organize the master schedule for the season. Practices and additional game will be managed on an ongoing basis throughout the season

UMPIRE SCHEDULER: The Umpire Scheduler will receive the master schedule from the diamond scheduler. The umpire scheduler will organize and manage the need for umpires for game play according to the rules set forth by the governing organizations which may or may not include; ISA, WOBA, WOAA, PWSA etc.

COACH CHAIR: The Coach Chair will gather all applications for coaching positions in the off-season. The Coach Chair will use this information to organize coaches for the upcoming season. The Coach Chair may need to find suitable coaching for certain teams. Any coaching decisions should be brought forth to a Coach Chair sub-committee or to the Board itself.

TOURNAMENT CHAIR: Coordinate the operation of hosting/running a baseball or softball tournament at some point during the season.

DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR: Organize and manage the operation of Development Baseball for MFMB. The Development Coordinator will use a ‘learn to play’ format for all players within this age group.

APPAREL: Organize and manage apparel options for MFMB. Options may be available for purchase through an ordering system.

SKILL DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR: Organize and manage opportunities for player/coach skill development during the off and on season for MFMB.

FUNDRAISING: Coordinate and manage fundraising efforts for MFMB.

GRIEVANCE: Gather all information in regards to any complaint brought forth by a player, parent, coach, umpire, or any member of the MFMB organization.


  1. a)  Meetings of the MFMB - MAVERICKS executive are to be attempted as one per month during the regular ball season and bi-monthly during off-season.

  2. b)  All meetings follow an agenda created by the President/Executive. Any concerns from anyone outside of the Executive should be forwarded to the President prior to the meeting to be included on the agenda. All motions must have 60% of the Executive members present to be considered accepted. The President cannot put forth his/her own motions.

  3. c)  A member of the present Executive must put all motions that are requested or submitted forth. The President is obligated to put forth any motion brought to him/her by anyone registered with MFMB - MAVERICKS or anyone who is a parent/guardian of a Minor Ball player.

  4. d)  The quorum for the Executive shall be more than 50% of its members.

  5. e)  The Association shall operate under “Robert’s Rule of Order,” a copy of

    which will be kept by the Secretary.

  6. f)  The Annual meeting shall be held prior to the last day of September or current ball season.

  7. g)  At the Annual meeting, one parent/guardian of a registered MFMB player (or registered player if over the age of 18) will receive one vote on any issue or election. Parent/Guardian (or registered player if over the age of 18) must attend the Annual meeting to be eligible to vote.

  8. h)  New executive members can be voted in at any time at the discretion of the current executive. New members will not be allowed any vote until they are voted in as executive members.

Maverick Rules of Operation


  1. a)  Registration will take place over a minimum period of 3 months. MFMB - MAVERICKS will use the organization website to post starting and closing dates for registration.

  2. b)  Registrar will be responsible for setting up the registration committee (if necessary).

  3. c)  The Executive will decide fees for each ball season at the end of the previous season.

  4. d)  A late registration fee may be charged for anyone registering after the specified closing date. The Executive will decide late fees at least one month prior to registration.

  5. e)  All players registering must register and play in their proper age group. Only in the event that there will not be an adequate number of players to form a team, players may be moved to an appropriate age category at the executive’s discretion.

  6. f)  WOAA, ISA, WOBA associations will determine proper age classifications.

  7. g)  As requested, each player is to supply MFMB - MAVERICKS with the required information. This may include a photocopy of their birth certificate, Health Card number and other information. (New online registration implemented for the 2022 Season - SportsHeadz)

  8. h)  MFMB provides the fees for any required Year End League tournament/championship. The team will pay for any other tournaments.

  9. i)  Any additional WOBA, ISA, WOAA registration fees that may be needed to cover the cost of extra games or extra year end tournaments will be of cost to the players on those teams.


  • ●  If notice of withdrawal is received before the start of the season, a 100% refund less a 10% administration fee will be given. If notice of withdrawal is received after the second game of season, but before the third game of season, a 75% refund less a 10% administration fee will be issued. No refund will be issued after the above period.

  • ●  Appeals can be brought to the executive in writing. executives discretion


    WOBA - Minor Rookie - 7U

● Tryouts are not needed at this age. WOBA mandate states that Minor Rookie teams within centres, should and will be balanced so that skill level is dispersed equally among all teams.

WOBA - 9U to 18U OBA Rep/Select Level Baseball

● Team(s) may be created to play OBA Rep or Select Level Baseball. If the organization plans to host an OBA Rep or Select team at any of the specified age levels, tryouts will be held to select players for the team.

WOBA - 9U to 18U (Regular League Baseball)

● If there is no OBA Rep Level or Select Baseball for a particular age group, teams will be created to play in the general WOBA League.

Multiple Teams at WOBA

● If there are multiple teams at any age level and there is no formation of an OBA or Select team, players will be divided based upon the guiding principles:

  • ○  Coaches will work collaboratively to divide players up amongst multiple teams.

  • ○  If there are discrepancies between coaches during this process, assigned executive members will help mediate the process further.

  • ○  Coaches/executive members may consider a number of factors to help in the division of teams (e.g., skill ability, pitchers, catchers, friends, etc.).

    Further WOBA Player Registration details can be found in the WOBA Handbook:


ISA - U7 to U18

  • ●  Tryouts are not needed in ISA. Community based teams are formed to participate in a ‘traveling house-league’.

  • ●  If there are multiple teams at any age level, players will be divided based upon the guiding principles:

    • ○  Coaches will work collaboratively to divide players up amongst multiple teams.

    • ○  If there are discrepancies between coaches during this process, assigned executive members will help mediate the process further.

    • ○  Coaches/executive members may consider a number of factors to help in the division of teams (e.g., skill ability, pitchers, catchers, friends, etc.).

      Further ISA Player Registration details can be found in the ISA By-laws:


      All coaches/trainers are required to undergo a VSS. All VSS checks are held in strictest confidence and will not be disclosed or discussed with anyone other than the applicant. Checks are done on any personnel who are in direct contact with the players.


      Mount Forest Minor Ball seeks to ensure that we provide a high level of coaching for our players. To this end MFMB will endeavor to provide funding for coaches to obtain training and certification.

      OBA Requirements - As stated by the OBA.
      ISA Requirements - As stated by the ISA.
      WOAA Requirements - As stated by the WOAA.
      ***MFMB may provide resources and opportunities for coaching clinics



  1. a)  MFMB has a coaches application package, which will be made available to all coaching and prospective coaching staff.

  2. b)  At the end of the ball season, Coaching applications forms are available via the president, coaches contact or online to anyone interested in applying to coach a ball team for the next season.

  3. c)  Completed forms are submitted to the Executive for their review.

  4. d)  Each Coach is supplied with a MFMB reference manual.


  1. a)  Planning season events

  2. b)  Plan for practices

  3. c)  Parent communication

  4. d)  Manage schedules

  5. e)  Attend/organize meetings

  6. f)  Ensure equipment needs are met (Communicate with Executive)

  7. g)  Appoint a team Manager

  8. h)  Appoint Parent volunteers

  9. i)  All coaches must contact the Umpire Contact to advise of any canceled games.

    The Umpire Contact will notify the Diamond Scheduler so that the Rec. Department can be notified. Coaches are responsible for contacting Umpire Contact and Diamond Scheduler for any rescheduled games.

ARTICLE 12: CONDUCT/ZERO TOLERANCE....Discipline/Harassment (ALL)

One of the goals of MFMB is to provide the game of softball/baseball with proper safeguards in accordance with the spirit of true sportsmanship. During the season, individuals may conduct themselves in a manner which is inconsistent with the goal outlined above, and in doing so, may violate the rights of others who expect the association to protect their rights. The executive is charged with ensuring that the goals of MFMB are achieved. If necessary, disciplinary action may be taken against individuals whose conduct is inconsistent with the association's Rules of Operation and policies. For the purposes of this policy the term "participants" refers to all directors, coaches, players, umpires, parents, and spectators involved in any MFMB activities.

Mount Forest Minor Ball maintains a zero tolerance policy to the abuse or neglect of any participant in any of its programs. Abuse in any form, whether mental, physical, verbal, sexual or emotional is not acceptable. Mount Forest Minor Ball expects every parent, volunteer and staff member to take all reasonable steps to safeguard the welfare of its participants and protect them from any form of maltreatment.

MFMB reserves the right to apply sanctions should misconduct occur. This may include termination of coaches or players from participating with the team and/or banishing parents from attending games or registering their children in MFMB.


The following represents the MINIMUM requirement expected of all participants and is to be included with the specific participant's sections that follow.

No VAPING , DRUGS , smoking is allowed on the playing field, in the coach's box, or in the dugout. following municipal and provincial rules and regulations

Participants are encouraged to get involved by shouting only positive comments (i.e. "good swing", "nice try", "good effort", etc.) and refrain from negative comments (i.e. "this batter can't hit", "that pitcher can't pitch", etc.). Verbal abuse by any participant (including spectators) towards anybody on the field is not permitted.


Only one team warning is given. If the coach/player/parent/spectator continues, the verbal abuse will result in forfeiture of the game for the offending team. Coaches are required to report any incidents to the Manager. If the participant continues the abuse after the game or during any other game a complaint must be forwarded to the President for disciplinary action.

Illegal drugs or alcohol are not permitted on the playing field or in any dugouts.

Note: All games are played in public areas under the temporary use by the association, and subject to all laws regarding possession or consumption of alcohol and drugs.


In addition to adhering to all MFMB policies, coaches are expected to assist in achieving the goal mentioned above as it pertains to sportsmanship, safety, and providing an opportunity for players to play softball. Coaches are expected to put aside their personal objectives and maintain the objective of providing the opportunity for minor players to play the game and to improve their playing skills.

Coaches are expected to maintain the proper conduct of players, parents, team spectators and themselves. Difficulties with a player or parent should be discussed with the player and or parent and brought as a complaint to the manager if a recurring problem is not meeting with resolution. Coaches should be aware that the directors are available to support them and are willing to oversee their activities on behalf of the association if required. Coaches are expected to remain at the field until all players have left the park.

General areas of importance - Equipment use, language, bullying, sportsmanship, respect

for coaching and officials, property, attendance, punctuality

Players are expected to conduct their activities in a safe and sportsmanlike manner. Softball/Baseball is a team sport and players have as many responsibilities and obligations, towards their coaches and teammates, as they have individual rights themselves. If the friends or relatives of a player attend MFMB activities as spectators, the players should encourage proper conduct from those spectators. By supporting a teammate and encouraging positive reinforcement of behaviour, players can set an example that all spectators and adults can model their conduct after.

Players are not to wilfully abuse the equipment or uniforms provided for their use by the association. Players should assist the coach by returning all equipment to the designated location when they have finished using it. Parents are expected to ensure that the uniform that has been supplied is maintained in the best possible condition and then cleaned and returned to the coach at the end of the season.

Coaches will inform players as to how and when to notify them regarding absences from practices or games and players are expected to extend their coach the courtesy of the prior notification. All players are expected to remain in or near the dugout area when they are not on the playing field.

General areas of importance - Respect for coaches and officials, punctuality and

attendance, supervision

In addition to the requirements of all participants, parents are also expected to set a positive example to the minor participants and assist the rest of the MFMB volunteers in accomplishing the aforementioned goal. For safety reasons, any player in Development must have a responsible adult in attendance at all games and practices.

Parents are encouraged to provide assistance to the volunteer coaches, who like the parents, also have other things going on in their lives and are very busy, and yet, have offered some of their valuable time to help someone else's child.

Parents are also expected to assist the coaches in maintaining the proper conduct of their children. Players (or parents) are expected to notify coaches if they will not be attending a practice or game.

Parents and spectators are asked to provide positive feedback and encouragement to all players on the field, or to refrain from commenting altogether. Parents and spectators alike should be cautioned that enforcement of the MFMB policy regarding conduct/ abuse may result in cancellation of a child's participation in MFMB activities if that is the only way to ensure that a parent or relative will not be present at future games.


To help resolve a situation as quickly as possible, participants (players, parents, coaches, managers) of MFMB activities who have a concern or complaint regarding the conduct of any other participant must use the following hierarchy to communicate their concern:

***All complaints should follow the 24 Hour Rule. The rule is a general consideration that all issues will be discussed 24 hours after the occurrence.

  1. Forward complaint to the head of a parent committee established within the team itself.

  2. Forward complaint to the Head Coach.

  3. Forward complaint to Grievance executive member of the association, in writing only.

Either the President/Grievance Head will review the written complaint only or by an ad-hoc executive committee.

Participants who wish to appeal a decision that was made at one level of the preceding hierarchy must submit the appeal in writing to the next level in the hierarchy. Disagreement with the conclusions reached by the President of the association or by an ad-hoc executive committee will not be considered as sufficient justification for any participant to prolong the appeal process.


  1. a)  Umpire Scheduler to arrange all umpires work.

  2. b)  Any protests or complaints regarding umpires must follow the correct


    1. A signed letter detailing the protest or complaint must be

      submitted to the Umpire Contact.

    2. A meeting will then be arranged between the Umpire Contact,

      Umpire involved, the source of the complaint (i.e., Coach, player) and member of Executive to resolve the issue. Or as required by the WOAA, ISA or WOBA.

ARTICLE 16: INSURANCE .....Liability

All players, coaching staff and executives are insured by MFMB.


The Equipment Manager will supply each coach with an equipment bag and team uniforms at the beginning of the ball season. The Equipment Manager will also supply each coach with Equipment Request Forms to be used for replacement or additional equipment. Only the Equipment Manager has the authority to purchase equipment, unless otherwise authorized by MFMB Executive or Equipment Manager and is under $100 (e.g., immediate team needs).


As per ISA, WOBA and WOAA regulations


All fundraising is to be approved by the Executive in advance. Any monies raised by individuals, teams etc., must be deposited with the Treasurer. Withdraws will be reviewed by the Executive.


  1. a)  All players must wear a uniform shirt provided to them by MFMB. Baseball shoes and pants provided by the participant.

  1. b)  Coachuniformswillberequired,basedonleagueregulations.

  1. c)  Proper footwear (provided by an individual) must be worn as well.

  1. d)  Three members of the Executive will have cheque signing authority. Each

  1. cheque must have two authorized signatures.

  1. e)  Any player who does not return their uniform at the end of the ball season will

  1. be subject to a $50.00 deposit fee.

  1. f)  The pitching machine at the Kinsmen Diamond will be left in the storage

  1. room during the normal ball season. A schedule for use of the Batting Cage will be drawn up by the Equipment Manager in consultation with Coaches contact and Coaches prior to the ball season.